K.M. Yacob

Marma Health Centre, Kochi, Kerala, India 


All treatments for fever are based on the belief

that fits is the result of 41 degrees Celsius temperature and it damages cells of the brain and body. At the same time, there is no evidence-based tests or concrete diagnosing methods to the belief that fits and brain damage is the result of pyrexia [1].

Necessary ingredients to destroy brain cells and fits cannot be seen in fever. In pyrexia or absence of fever, a fainted

the patient fell on the floor with unconscious state and destroy cells of the brain, and necessary ingredients to become conscious are the same.

When disease increases essential blood circulation and energy level also decreases. The vertical height between the heart and brain is more than one foot. When the disease becomes severe, the ability to pump the blood to the brain decreases. As a result of this brain cells are damaged. so the patient might be paralyzed or may even die.

In pyrexia or absence of fever,

when blood flow to the brain decreases and fits are formed. There is no other way than this to increase blood circulation to the brain. It is a sensible and discreet action of the brain to protect the life or organ.

Recovery from Fits.

The patient becomes conscious before the time to get decreasing the temperature of fever. When the fainted patient lie on the floor, the vertical height between the heart and brain is decreased, blood circulation increased to the brain.

Self-checking methods.

When the fainted patient lie on the floor, The patient can stand straight and lie on bed alternatively. Then the patient can experience himself the intensity of blood circulation.T he patient can experience when he stands his blood circulation decreases and when lying on the bed the blood circulation increases. Besides that, he can also experience increased blood circulation when lie on the bed raise the foot higher than the head.

Key Words: destroy brain cells, essential blood circulation, Protective covering, energy, vertical height, sensible and discreet action of brain



A practicing physician in the field of healthcare in the state of Kerala in India for the last 31 years and very much interested in basic research. My interest is spread across the fever, inflammation and back pain. I am a writer. I already printed and published nine books on these subjects. I wrote hundreds of articles in various magazines.

After scientific studies, we have developed 8000 affirmative cross checking questions. It  can explain all queries related to fever