Ken Ware, Founder of Neurotricional Sciences & NeuroPhysics Therapy.

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

ConferenceMinds Journal: This article was published and presented in the ConferenceMinds conference held on 5th Apr 2023 | London, UK.

PSIN : 0003376267 / HHW5289D/ 369H/ 2023 / 82HS532N / APR 2023

The expression of a left or right hemisphere dominance and/or instability has proven to be key indicators of not only a mental disease or disorder but also linked to the onset and incubation of most psychophysical diseases and disorders and are measurable via some simple objective psychophysical task performances.

In random NeuroPhysics Therapy (NPT) controlled studies where the attending NPT therapist did not have knowledge of select patients medical history, who had been previously diagnosed by their medical support as having a mental disease or disorders (MDD), nor did the attending NPT therapist have knowledge of who the controls for the studies were and who were known to not have a mental disease or disorder, 100% of all controls did not express a left or right hemisphere dominance or instability during their simple objective psychophysical task performances, whereas 100% of the previously diagnosed MDD patients expressed either a left or right hemisphere dominance or flip flop instability during their simple objective psychophysical task performances.

Sensitivity to initial conditions: The macro psychophysical representation of the human being, being a complex adaptive system is sensitive to some sets of initial conditions. Some simple objective psychophysical task performances trials expose some significant sets of initial conditions, inclusive of sensory perceptual errors that interconnectedly give rise to rogue motor responses and behaviour. NeuroPhysics Therapy enables the individual to normalize rouge sets of initial conditions and appropriately ‘calibrate’ their sensory motor (behavioural responses) to environmental stimuli. This presentation will elaborate on the above and highlight positive outcomes for various patients who were long term sufferers across a broad spectrum of psychophysical diseases and disorders.

Keywords: Mental Disease Disorder, Psychophysical, NeuroPhysics Therapy, Initial Conditions, Complex Adaptive Systems, Lateralization of Hemispheres, Calibrate.