K. M. Yacob (Chief Physician).

Marma Health Centre, Kochi, Kerala, India

ConferenceMinds Journal: This article was published and presented in the ConferenceMinds conference held on 20th February 2023 | London, UK.

PSIN : 0003376267 / HHW5289D/ 369H/ 2023 / 82HS532N / FEB 2023

Key Words: Separate fever from disease, symptoms, signs, actions , equations.


A fever patient has illness and fever at the same time. From this there is no system of distinguishing between disease and fever. Most people do not even think of a system of distinguishing between fever and disease or their signs, symptoms, signals and actions, or the formulas by which they are found, because they blindly believe that fever is a symptom of disease.

Many patients who do not know what the fever is for go to the hospital to cure the fever. Medicines and treatments are given to reduce the temperature of the fever. The cause of the fever and the cause of the disease are not one but two. Those who do not know this mistake that if the temperature of the fever decreases, the disease is gone. Even if the result or the fever is gone, the disease remains in the patient’s body. Most of the time the disease is not diagnosed, detected or known when the fever is present.

Here is the relevance of distinguishing between fever and disease, fever, their signs and symptoms, signals, actions, and their formulas.

We can separate disease, fever, and its symptoms, signs, signals, and actions.

How can we separate fever from fever condition?

Fever condition include both disease and fever.
If we deduct disease from fever condition, we will get the fever. So we can prepare an equation to separate fever from disease condition :-

1.Fever (F) = Fever condition(FC)- Disease in the absence of fever (DWF).


  1. Disease in the absence of fever (DWF) = Fever condition (FC)- fever (F). DWF =FC-F.
  2. Fever condition (FC)= Disease in the absence of fever (DWF)+ fever (F).


How can we separate symptoms of the disease and symptoms of fever and symptoms of hyper thermia (rising temperatures)?

A fever condition means symptoms, signs, signals, and actions of both disease and fever are included.

A Hyperthermia condition means symptoms, signs, signals, and actions of both disease and Hyperthermia are included.

we can separate Symptoms  signs, signals, and actions of fever and  Hyperthermia and disease.

There is a sharp difference between Symptoms of fever and symptoms of rising temperatures.

Symptoms of fever include body pain, bitter taste, fatigue to mind and body, reduced appetite, reduced motion and indigestion, an aversion  towards cold substance,  internal and external discomfort, etc.,

Symptoms of rising in temperature include likeness towards cold items, like to drink cold water, feel discomfort while using a blanket, feeling hot, etc.

Fever never shows symptoms of rising temperature.

1a.Symptoms in fever condition, both symptoms of disease and symptoms of fever are included. If we deduct symptom of disease from total symptoms of fever condition, we will get symptoms of fever.  So we can prepare an equation:- Fever-only symptoms(FSy) can be obtained by subtracting all disease-only symptoms (DSy) and all decreasing blood-flow-only symptoms from the fever condition body symptoms (FCSy).

  1. Fever-only symptoms (FSy) = Fever condition body symptoms (FCSy) – Disease-only symptoms (DSy).

FSy = FCSy – Dsy.

  1. Disease-only symptoms (DSy)= Fever condition body symptoms (FCSy) – Fever-only symptoms (FSy).

DSy= FCSy- FSy.

  1. Fever condition body symptoms (FCSy)= Disease-only symptoms (DSy)+ Fever-only symptoms (FSy).

FCSy= DSy+ FSy.

1.b. Symptoms in hyperthermia condition, both symptoms of disease and symptoms of hyperthermia are included. If we deduct symptom of disease from total symptoms of hyperthermia condition, we will get symptoms of hyperthermia. If deduct Symptoms of the disease (HWDSy), from  post-disease hyperthermic symptoms(HCADSy)we will get hyperthermia symptoms. (HSy).




Like that we can separate signs, signals, and actions of fever and disease and hyperthermia.

Importance of the findings of the New methods and equations of separate fever from disease and its symptoms, signs, signals, and actions.

New methods and equations of separate fever from disease and its symptoms, signs, signals, and actions are to scientifically evaluate, distinguish, summarize, and easily understand fever, disease, and hyperthermia individually.

It can help to define, diagnose and  cure the disease faster and preserve health. And to accurately distinguish, evaluate and summarize each of these, formulas, tables, and methods are needed for study purposes and research.


Fever, disease, and hyperthermia definition, diagnosis, and treatment should be revised according to the New methods and equations of separate fever from disease and its symptoms, signs, signals, and actions.

I  have compiled a list of formulas that can distinguish between the symptoms, signs, signals, and actions of fever and illness and a list of 17 formulas that distinguish between fever and disease. It has been published in the book “The purpose of the temperature of fever”.

Presenting author details

Full name: Yacob  Mathai
Contact  number:91 98 47 09 47 88
Email ID: yacobkm@gmail.com
Category: Oral presentation
Date of Birth:10 may 1968
Facebook: YacobKunnathazhath
Postal Address
K. M. Yacob
Marma Health Centre, Kalyani Towers, Deshabhimani, P.O.Kaloor, Ernakulam (Dt), Kerala. India, Pincode-682017       

Mob: 9847094788