Sandra Velez Candelario, USA

ConferenceMinds Journal: This article was published and presented in the ConferenceMinds conference held on 20th February 2023 | London, UK.

PSIN : 0003376267 / HHW5289D/ 369H/ 2023 / 82HS532N / FEB 2023

This presentation is to introduce the first book that revealed the first findings about family organizational behavior. During her dissertation, Velez-Candelario (2009) creates the first research in regard to family organizational and administrative functionality. Part of her findings is the existence of the four organizational and administrative characteristics of the family group.

These include leadership style, communication system, environmental characteristics, and specific cultural characteristics. This first study is a qualitative model with a triangulation process that includes: bibliography research, standard interview, and a focus group process. The book also mentions the first and second quantitative studies in regard to this topic.

These studies include the construction and validation of the first scale that measures Family Organizational and Administrative Functionality. This text Also mention the first correlation between family organizational/administrative functionality and school productivity.

The books used these three studies to create a foundation of the family organizational behavior that is measured and observed in their four basic daily life administrative process: Leadership, Communication, Environment, and Culture.


Dr. Sandra Velez Candelario received her BA degree in Criminology from Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in 1993 and completed her Master and PhD in the Graduate School at the same institution in 2009. Her dissertation applied organizational psychology and administrative/management theories to the family structure for the first time. Her findings were published in 2016 by the Interamerican Journal of Psychology, and she is also the author of several scientific articles and book chapters on the same topic. She owns two registered trademarks and copyrights documents in the family organizational psychology and science topic in the USA patent and trademarks office.