Sudristi Sharma

Chitwan Medical College, Nepal

Oral diseases are common in school children of underprivileged region of developing countries. The community-based oral health promotion approach, using schools as aplatform, is a way to tackle the oral health problems of community with limited human andfinancial resources.

A base-line study was conducted in a school of jyamrung so as to evaluateoral health awareness treatment plan among schoolchildren, based on which an oral healthpromotion program will be developed for the school. A descriptive study was conducted amongall the students of the school. Oral heath related information of the students was collected usingDMFT (decayed missing filled teeth) index and a questionnaire. A total of 88 children with ageranging from 6 to 16 years took part in the study. A total of 61% of the children had dental caries.

Mean DMFT of the schoolchildren was 1.78 (SD2.04). The filled component score was 0.
Children with the experience of tooth pain the previous year was 36.5% for 6-11 yrs of age, and58.3% for 12-16 yrs of age. None of them had received any form of treatment following the pain.Only 4 children have dental consultation. Almost 92% of them have never received oral healtheducation in their school. A comprehensive oral health care program is required to address thepresent oral health needs of the schoolchildren. College of dental sciences, chitwan medicalcollege and hospital, bharatpur-10, chitwan,nepal.


There have been significant improvements in the global oral health, but still problems continueto affect many communities around the world, especially among underprivileged in bothdeveloped and developing countries. 1 oral diseases increase the risks of general health. 2 areport by world health organization suggest 60-90% of schoolchildren worldwide have
Experienced dental caries, with higher prevalence in asian country. 3 the 2004 national
Pathfinder survey of nepal shows 58% of 5–6 year- old schoolchildren experienced dental
Caries. Approximately 31% of age 35-44 years had deep periodontal pockets, putting Nepal intoThe top 15% of the countries in the world where this age group suffers from deep periodontalPocketing. 4 oral cancer, in nepal, is the second most common form of cancer in men; and theThird most common form of cancer in female. 5 in low-income countries, health relatedBehaviors among children are low. 6 poverty, lack of awareness and inaccessibility to healthCare services constrain them to live with the disease.7 childhood oral diseases, if untreated,Can lead to irreversible damage, pain, disfigurement, more serious general health problems, lostSchool time, low self-esteem, poor quality of life and, in the case of Coma, death. The delay inTreatment not only results in aggravation of disease, but also costs of care are substantiallyEscalated as a consequence. 8 tooth decay is one of the most common chronic childhoodDiseases. 9 health behaviour such as the use of fluoridated tooth paste and regular toothBrushing is rare among children in low-income countries. 10.national public health programmesOften do not consider oral health. 11 the community-based oral health promotion approach is aWay to address poor oral health where human and financial resources are limited.

12 schoolsOffer the ideal setting to reach millions of children and ensure strong foundations for a healthyLife at an early stage. 14 focusing efforts in practical school based health activities haveReduced inequalities in health. 15 in 2003, the world health organization stated that “oral healthPromotion is an essential element of a health-promoting school”.16, 17 oral health and otherChronic diseases share diet, hygiene, smoking, alcohol use, stress and trauma as risk factors.

Thus, adopting a common risk factor approach, during oral health promotion will help to bringDown the chronic diseases as well, and contribute to the overall health of the population. 2Above discussion holds very true in the scenario of jyamrung 2010 JCMC journal of chitwanMedical college 2014 health survey basic methods 1997. All examinations were carried out inWell-lit classrooms.

IfChild oral health care ,awareness,& treatment of Nepal.
We see in Himalayan region like jumla, bajang, dadeldhura of nepal child oral heal care is in
Minus. Even people are unaware of tooth brush and tooth paste. Due to lack of proper
Guidance over all health problem they are facing day by day.

No proper dental clinic or hospitalIn rural area. No healthworker available for general health services not only the oral health. AsSame in town and cities of Nepal a bit people are oral health conscious . But the fond of sugaryProduct like chocolate , sweets can lead to dental caries in children of city area .

Reference:JcmcOfChitwan Medical College, BharatpurChitwan Nepal