K. M. Yacob (Chief Physician).

Marma Health Centre, Kochi, Kerala, India

ConferenceMinds Journal: This article was published and presented in the ConferenceMinds conference held on 27th Sep 2023 | London, UK.

PSIN : 0003376267 / HHW5289D/ 369H/ 2023 / 82HS532N / SEP 2023

Many misleading words and expressions have entered the medical field without knowing the correct meaning. Due to the use of such words and expressions, many things are misjudged, misunderstood, and even correct ones are misjudged. There is a situation where fever is the cause of many diseases and is a symptom and protective shield against many diseases. This is because there is a lack of basic knowledge about fever and there is no universally accepted definition of fever. As stated above, according to current scientific law, fever cannot exhibit three or four unrelated characteristics at the same time or multiple times.In Kerala-India, there are many vernacular expressions that are misleading about fever. All of that is difficult to translate into other languages. Ignorance of the subject is the root cause of misleading usages.

Fever is one of the least knowledgeable topics in modern science. Therefore, the most misleading words and expressions are associated with fever. The words and phrases used in medical books to describe fever are evidence of a misunderstanding of fever.

In no other condition, except the fever, has the immune system been so misunderstood and misled by others.

Some Misleading Disease Names and usages Related to fever.

A temperature between 104.1o F and 106 o F is a high-grade fever, fever is a symptom of many diseases, Normal fever,  Viral fever, fever of unknown origin (FUO, PUO),  paracetamol may cause fever, paracetamol cures fever, fever causing medicines, febrile fits, the patient died due to fever, fever makes other diseases,  increase in fever causes pneumonia,  when fever increases it destroyed cells of the brain, mosquito spreads fever, fever patient, fever ward,  fever epidemic, various types of fever, all types of fevers, to find out the underlying cause of fever, fever disrupts the homeostasis,  immunity power decreased to block fever, ways to avoid fever, immunization against fever,   blood pressure will decrease at 125  states of fever,  ….. all these said usages are misleading usages based on not knowing the purpose of the temperature of fever.

Now fever and hyperthermia are at the same temperature. Mild/low-grade fever, 100.5 o F –102.2 o F ; Mild/low-grade hyperthermia, 100.5 o F –102.2 o F ;Moderate grade fever, 102.2 o F –104 o F ; Moderate grade hyperthermia , 102.2 o F –104 o F. ;High-grade fever, 104.1 o F –106 o F. ; Hyperpyrexia, >106 o F. High-grade hyperthermia >106 o F.

Differentiating fever based on temperature is misleading.


A practicing physician in the field of healthcare in the state of Kerala in India for the last 35 years and very much interested in basic research. My interest is spread across the fever, inflammation and back pain. I am a writer. I already printed and published Ten books on these subjects. I wrote hundreds of articles in various magazines.

After scientific studies, we have developed 8000 affirmative cross checking questions. It  can explain all queries related to fever.