Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil


Breast cancer is the most common cancer-affecting women worldwide. Western current perspectives are starting to comprehend cancer as a systemic disease from the start. In TCM, the formation of cancer is associated energies deficiencies and Heat retention.


To demonstrate that there are energies and chakras’ energies deficiencies chronically present in the body of the patient with breast cancer. Also, to analyze the importance of treating the subject systemically, through the replenishment of chakras’ energies centers.


two cases report, both were female patients (42 and 56 years old), with the diagnosis sub retinal fluid vasculopathy in the first and the second with diagnosis of anxiety, both patients with past history of breast cancer in 2001 and 2013 respectively, removed with surgery. Chakras’ energies measurement through radiesthesia procedure were done in 2019.


all the chakras were in the lowest level of energy, rated in one out of eight. Both patients were submitted to the treatment to replenishment of the chakras’ energies centers using homeopathiecs medications according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the fFe Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications for a period of one year or more.


normally, the treatment of patients with patients with history of breast cancer is a localized treatment treating only the breasts. The author is showing the necessity of treating the energies deficiencies in the chakras’ energies centers and the re balancing the internal energies and replenishment of these chakras with the use of highly diluted medications are the major importance to prevent future formation of metastasis, new cancer in other sites or the formation of any chronic diseases.


Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised and graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist.

Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998.

Since 1997, she has been presenting her work worldwide, working with the approach and treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.