Dr Thahseena Pokker

Post graduate Certificate in Clinical research Scholar,University of Pennsylvania, USA


Statement of the Problem:Although the EpiPen is the immediate choice of medicine to save life of the patient we need supportive treatments like emergency room treatment and in many cases, follow up treatment also to make the patient to be normal. If those can be done with this single medicine,PUNARNAVAASAVAM it will be a great choice.

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction with respiratory, cardiovascular, cutaneous or gastrointestinal manifestations resulting from exposure to an offending agent usually food, insect sting, medication or physical factors. Initial treatment for anaphylaxis is epinephrine injection usually known as EpiPen auto injector. Administer epinephrine, administer oxygen, maintain airway with oropharyngeal device, administerantihistamine, Treat hypotension with IV fluids or colloidal replacement, Treat bronchospasm preferably with beta 11 agonists given continuously or intermittently.

PUNARNAVAASAVAM an Ayurveda medicine, one of the ancient systems of medicine in the world, used to treat various illnesses and health conditions.The Main Logic Behind the use of this Medicine, PUNARNAVAASAVAM is slightly alcoholic in nature. It contains alcohol soluble chemical extracts of many plants and herbs. Alcohol can easily pass through the cell barriers. So, the medicine is fast in action. The chemical nature of the drug will reduce the swelling of the airway and reduce the action of mast cells. Once the swelling around the airway passage is reduced the patient can able to breath normally eventually reduces other symptoms. More scientific explanation about the nature and action of the drug is unknown as cellular study regarding this medicine is not yet taken place.

As it is the herbal preparation the molecular study and biochemical action of the drug to be discovered. The most important point is that it is an herbal preparation, so the side effects are minimal or None.

The main drawback which we face now is medicinal preparation can be only administered through oral Route. So, it is not suitable for advanced anaphylactic reaction. If we study more about the chemical action of the drug and develop another route of administration, it will be a great achievement.  If these can happen it will be a great step to the medicine

Clinical Observations:

  1. The child of 1 1/2 years old, had a history of food allergy to multiple items like, milk nuts, soy etc.
  • The child drank some milk, after 5 minutes the symptoms appeared
  • The skin Started having urticaria, itching over face, arms and some parts of chest
  • The respiratory symptoms include difficulty in breathing, coughing, noise while breathing

Given Punarnavasam 1 ml, orally in 15 minutes’ interval for 4 times. After 2 doses, itself the child got ease in breathing. After one hour, the child became normal with normal respiration, all the skin manifestations are gone and started playing actively

  1. A girl child of age 2 years, had a history of severe allergy towards nuts
  • She accidently took a very small piece of hazelnut along with her non-allergic sibling.
  • She did not develop any symptoms until 4hours after the intake of nut.
  • Then she started coughing vigorously, voice became so bad, eyes become protruded resulting in severe respiratory obstruction. She was trying to take breath through mouth, but it was difficult for her
  • No skin manifestations were there. Gave Punarnavasam 2 ml orally in 10 minutes’ interval for 6 times and then in 15 minutes’ interval for 4 times. After 30 minutes the symptoms got reduced and she started breathing through nose, cough reduced. After 2 hours, she became normal all symptoms got relieved.

Recent Publications:

  1. Manisha Gharate &Veena Kasture(2012)Evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antiulcer activity of Punarnavasava: an Ayurvedic formulation of Boerhavia diffusa.riental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 13(2)I:10.1007/s13596-012-0081-3
  2. Shikha Mishra: (2014) Phytochemical, Therapeutic, and Ethnopharmacological Overview for a Traditionally Important Herb: Boerhavia diffusa PubMed Central : 10.1155/2014/808302
  3. Sarita Das,Snehasish Mishra(2023);Ethnomedicinal values of Boerhaavia diffusa as a panacea against multiple human ailments: a state of art review.PubMed Central  10.3389/fchem.2023.1297300
  4. Dr Ramesh Kumar Pandey, Dr. Amit Chaudhary, Dr Manish Tare (2022) A CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON PUNARNAVA (Boerhaavia diffusa) MEDICINAL PLANT & ITS PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITY JETIR September 2022, Volume 9, Issue 9
  1. (Rekha Gour2008) Boerhaavia Diffusa Linn Plant: A Review – One Plant with Many Therapeutic Uses Commentary on “Increased  MCP-    1 and microglia in various regions of human alcoholic brain”. Experimental neurology 213:10-17.


Dr Thahseena has her expertise in patient care and passion in improving the health and wellbeing. Her optimistic ideasand knowledge createnewpathwaysforimprovinghealthcare.Shehasbuiltthismodelafteryearsofexperienceinresearch,evaluation,in hospital and education institutions.